My Littmann Classic Review - Dr Toby Bateson

My Littmann Classic Review - With ZenPlugs Molded Earpieces Fitted

My Littmann Classic Review - With ZenPlugs Molded Earpieces Fitted

I decided to buy a Littmann Classic stethoscope for my clinical placements as a medical student.  I've been using them ever since so I've given it a good trial before writing this review.  It was burgundy and made me feel like a real doctor; my first and only prop.  It lasted ten years, not bad considering it was subjected to alcogel and extremes of heat and cold. This means A and E when the heating was broken and my bedroom in the residences.  It spent some time with elastoplast wrapped around the splitting tubing. It looked like Jack Duckworth's glasses before being finally meeting it's maker*.  I still have fond memories of my Littmann Classic stethoscope, the best thing about it was that it had a quality feel and I would buy another. The rubber tubing was pliable but firm without being too stiff and the metal arms made a satisfying 'clink' when you picked it up.  The Littmann Classic has 4.5 stars out of 5 based on 100 customer reviews on the American Amazon website.  Click on the box on the right to see the reviews and buy Littmann Classic Stethoscopes on the UK site. 

This stethoscope comes highly recommended. However I have found two problems with Littmann stethoscopes in general;

1)  Everyone's got one.  If you put it down someone else will probably pick it up thinking it's theirs.

2)  The earpieces don't last very long.  They split and come off.

Both these problems are solved by fitting custom earpieces.  This is usually expensive, costing around £90 but if you use one of our ZenPlugs Custom Earpiece Kits you can do it for less than £15.  Our earpieces are moulded to your ears so are more comfortable. They are brightly coloured so are distictive, personalising your stethoscope.  They also contain a silver-based compound which killls bacteria for the life of the earpieces. This will probably be longer than the life of your stethoscope.

Summary.  The Littmann Classic is a great stethoscope.  It is much better when you add a pair of ZenPlugs Molded Stethoscope Earpieces.


Created for ZenPlugs by Dr Toby Bateson

This stethoscope comes highly recommended, however I have found two problems with Littmann stethoscopes in general;

1)  Everyone's got one.  If you put it down someone else will probably pick it up thinking it's theirs.

2)  The earpieces don't last very long.  They split and come off.

Both these problems are solved by fitting custom earpieces.  This is usually expensive, costing around £90 but if you use one of our ZenPlugs Custom Earpiece Kits you can do it for less than £15.  Our earpieces are moulded to your ears so are more comfortable, they are brightly coloured so are distictive, personalising your stethoscope.  They also contain a silver-based compound which killls bacteria for the life of the earpieces, which will probably be longer than the life of your Stethoscope.


Created for ZenPlugs by Dr Toby Bateson