What Causes A Ruptured Eardrum?

Ruptured eardrum is also known as perforated tympanic membrane. This is a common problem which has many different causes.  One of the commonest reasons for a burst ear drum is an ear infection.  The production of pus in the middle ear space creates pressure behind the drum, causing it to pop.  You will be greeted by a rush of yellow or green liquid and severe pain.  A small amount of blood may also come up.

What Causes A Ruptured Eardrum?

Sufferers should visit their GP to ensure healing takes place.  Occasionally this is delayed and sometimes the hole doesn't heal at all. An operation a tympanoplasty is required in this situation. 

Change in pressure can also cause the problem. This tends to mostly affect people with Eustachian Tube Dysfunction or those with a cold or another reason for inflammation in the nose.  These factors stop the Eustachian tube opening and equalising the pressure between the middle ear and the outside world.

Moulded ear plugs from zenplugs.com/molded-earplugs can protect against a burst eardrum from rapid changes in pressure. This can happen in an aeroplane or if an explosion is nearby.  This is because they allow the ear more time to adjust to the pressure.  They can also prevent ear infections from repeated immersion in water.  Our earplugs protect against swimmer's ear through a double action. They keep water out and kill the bacteria which are causative of the infection.