Which Are The Best Swimming Ear Plugs?

Which Are The Best Swimming Ear Plugs?

Which Are The Best Swimming Ear Plugs?

As there are a massive number of different types of swimming ear plugs available, it can be tricky knowing which are the best?

Foam varieties aren't suitable at all; they soak up water and don't keep your ears dry.  The wax type and malleable silicon variety ear plugs are good but only last a few uses. This is because they accumulate dirt and hair and become discoloured.  For this reason they need frequent replacement making them cost a lot with regular use.

Molded ear plugs are the best swimming ear plugs in the sea and the swimming pool. There are several reasons for this.

  • Superbly comfortable.  As they are fitted to your ears they have excellent water blocking abilities. 
  • Antibacterial.  ZenPlugs Molded Swimming Ear Plugs are antibacterial. This is unlike other types of molded ear plugs. This means that they will stop you getting swimmer's ear. They have been demonstrated to eliminate all the bacteria which lead to ear infections.  
  • Waterproof.  ZenPlugs are waterproof and unaffected by seawater and pool water so they will protect you from swimmer's ear for years.  Their cost per use is far less than the other types of ear plugs listed here.

Buy a set of ZenPlugs and protect yourself from swimmer's ear infections for years to come.  You won't find their unique double action anywhere else.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of An Ear Infection?

Ear infections are very common but many people are not aware of the signs and symptoms. They can appear in many different ways. Pain is a common symptom which people experience. Other signs include itching, discharge, flaking of the skin and muffled hearing.

Hearing can be reduced due to blockage in the ear canal. Debris and dead skin cells can build up. Sometimes with a middle ear infection fluid appears behind the eardrum. This affects hearing by reducing the vibration of the eardrum and stopping the sound being transmitted.

Middle ear infections tend to be the most painful. This is because pus builds up behind the drum, increasing in volume and causing pressure. This stretches the eardrum. Sometimes it can burst if it is unable to withstand the pressure. This results in a pinnacle of pain which is relieved when it bursts. A rush of pus and blood comes from the ear. Itching and soreness are other common signs of an ear infection.

Irritants are made by the bacteria causing the infection.  This causes inflammation and itching. The body also causes irritation through its attack on the bugs by the immune system.

If you think you may have a problem with your ear you must visit your doctor. You will need to have an ear examination. If your doctor finds signs of infection they may give you antibiotics as ear drops or tablets.