Resources On Ear Infections

Resources On Ear Infections

Resources On Ear Infections

We have put together this ear infection resource page to bring together ear infection information from across our site. Here you will find links to information on causes, prevention and treatment of ear infections.

There are three groups of ear infections. They tend to be divided according to the part of the ear they affect. This gives outer ear infections, middle ear infections and inner ear infections.

Outer ear infections are medically called otitis externa. They are often caused by water in the ear and so are also called swimmer's ear. Regular swimmers are at risk but susceptible people may only need to swim once in warm or contaminated water for the problem to develop.

Warm water causes more of a problem as it dissolves the waxy layer protecting the skin. Germs and chemicals in the water can also cause inflammation and weaken the skin.

In the latest video from ZenPlugs Dr Toby Bateson explains the causes of swimmers' ear and describes why it happens. As well as this he also talks about how to prevent it through good ear care and using swimming ear plugs. http:/// This video does not constitute medical advice and is for general information purposes only.