How to Use Technology to Supercharge Your Sleep [Infographic]

How to Use Technology to Supercharge Your Sleep [Infographic]

How to Use Technology to Supercharge Your Sleep [Infographic]

In today’s day and age, it’s almost impossible not to spend some time surfing the internet before bed. Our world has become increasingly interconnected, and with the availability of the internet at our fingertips, it’s no surprise that nine out of ten Americans use a technological device before bed. 

It’s important to note that technology use before bed can have a significant impact on your quality of sleep. However, not all uses of sleep technology before bed have negative effects—there are many ways that sleep and technology can be used to your benefit. 

One such way is by using a health tracker app or wearable to log your sleeping habits, so you can gain actionable insight to improve your sleep quality moving forward. With the current health crisis, it’s no surprise that many people are struggling to get restful sleep—we are living through a stressful time, but ensuring that you get your seven to eight hours of rest can help you relieve built-up stress and anxiety, and help you feel ready to take on the day. 

Using a health tracker app can help you determine what time and for how long you are falling asleep, as well as the quality of the sleep you are getting. If your trouble is with falling asleep, try investing in a pair of our sleeping ear plugs to help you hit the hay with zero distractions. 

Another great way to use technology to your benefit is to use programmable lights, which use warm-tinted lights on a schedule so you are in a relaxing atmosphere when you are trying to fall asleep or wake up. Programmable lights are also able to mimic the feeling of a sunrise, so your body gradually wakes up in the morning and you feel refreshed and energized—no snooze button necessary. 

It’s clear that technology has become an integral part of our daily life, but there are many steps that we can take to mitigate the potential negative impact that too much technology can have on our quality of sleep. If you’re interested in learning more about the effect of technology on sleep, our friends at Casper have put together some tips and tricks to help you make the most of your eight hours of rest.