Motorcycle Ear Plugs Will Protect You Against Noise Induced Hearing Loss

Motorcycle Ear Plugs Will Protect You Against Noise Induced Hearing Loss

Motorcycle Ear Plugs Will Protect You Against Noise Induced Hearing Loss

The modern motorcycle helmet is designed to give protection against the road. They don't protect against the effects of noise on the ears. In fact, many helmets can worsen the effect on the hearing. This is by increasing turbulence in the air, leading to vibration and a loud whooshing noise. Combined with the noise of passing trucks these can cause permanent damage to hearing.

Most of us have experienced some temporary hearing loss and tinnitus at some point. This may have been from exposure to a high volume noise, for example, music in a club.  It is often temporary after an exposure like this. Unfortunately with repeated and severe episodes the damage may become permanent.

Noise-induced hearing loss is one of the few preventable causes of deafness. In the acute phase it may be temporary but both the deafness and the tinnitus can become permanent.

Wearing ear plugs for motorcycles is an easy way to protect yourself against noise-induced hearing loss because it is due to wind and traffic noise. ZenPlugs Molded Motorcycle Ear Plugs are spot-on because they are created not to protrude from the ears. They work well under a helmet. Varieties which do protrude tend to be pulled out when the helmet is being put on.   They may cause uncomfortable pressure in the ears whilst the helmet is worn. ZenPlugs are also antibacterial so help protect against germs.

Advantages Of Molded Ear Plugs For Motorcycles

  • Comfort. Due to the plugs being fitted to each ear one at a time, they are shaped to each curve of your ear canal meaning that they exert minimal pressure. This leads to superior comfort levels. Foam earplugs are usually not comfortable due to them expanding and exerting pressure on the lining of your ear.
  • Effectiveness. Custom fitted ear plugs give an effective seal against sound and water. This makes them ideal for use when protecting your hearing. ZenPlugs are particularly notable as they are made at home in just a few minutes rather than having to visit the audiology clinic to have them made. This means they cost significantly less than other moulded earplugs.
  • Versatility. Due to their effectiveness at blocking sound and water moulded earplugs are ideal for all uses. This is unlike other types. Wax and soft silicon plugs tend to only be any good for blocking water as the stickiness often makes them unusable at other times. ZenPlugs are also ideal for preventing swimmer's ear and surfer's ear as well as blocking traffic noise.
  • Hygienic. As they are wiped clean, washable and nonporous moulded earplugs are more hygienic than other types. ZenPlugs in particular are well ahead of the rest because they contain a powerful antibacterial agent. This notably destroys all bacteria which lead to painful ear infections. Early signs of infection (otitis) include soreness and itching. Regularly wearing ear plugs can introduce bacteria and cause the micro-environment of your ear canal to become warm and moist. This makes it the perfect breeding ground for nasty bacteria and fungi. Switch to moulded earplugs to remedy this situation.