Which Are The Best Ear Plugs For Sleeping And Snoring?

Which Are The Best Ear Plugs For Sleeping And Snoring?

Which Are The Best Ear Plugs For Sleeping And Snoring?

With so many varieties of ear plug available, how do you decide which are the best ones to help you sleep?

Foam plugs are certainly cheap and widely available. Unfortunately they are not good for use when you are in bed. They expand and push out of your ears. You are then exposed to the noise you were attempting to block out and waking you in the process.  They can also become itchy and sweaty and only last a few uses and then need to be thrown away.  They harbour bacteria and don't suffer washing too well.

The fact they expand in your ears means they can cause some discomfort.  Sometimes people pull them out because they became sore.  They might lead to an ear infection if used when contaminated with dirt and bacteria.

Molded ear plugs are best for sleeping and snoring because they are comfortable. They are also effective at blocking snoring from your ears.  ZenPlugs are far less expensive than having your ear plugs molded by an audiology technician.  Click 'Buy Now' to visit our shopping cart and get your pair.

Enjoy a good night's sleep every night for years to come with ZenPlugs.