Top Three Ways to Reduce Fatigue and Prevent Jet Lag on Long Flights

Top Three Ways to Reduce Fatigue and Prevent Jet Lag on Long Flights

Top Three Ways to Reduce Fatigue and Prevent Jet Lag on Long Flights

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Jet lag consists of a syndrome of headaches, tiredness, disorientation, stomach upset and a feeling of illness. The main cause of this is crossing time zones on long-distance overseas flights. This results in your body's hormones telling you that you should be asleep during the day and awake at night. Unfortunately there is little you can do about this. Despite this there are several other factors which contribute, some of which you can reduce the impact of. These include poor quality rest and sleep, changed diet and dehydration. What can you do to reduce the effect of these?

1) Flying ear plugs. There are many reasons people may not sleep well on a flight, including seats which are uncomfortable, night flying and noise. There is little you can do about the first two but you can certainly protect yourself against noise.

Aircraft cabins would be loud places except that the sound of the engines is blocked using a clever idea. Wing microphones play the noise back into the aircraft cabin through special speakers with a small delay. This cancels the sound out (the peaks in the sound wave cancel out the troughs). This can help minimize the fatigue and prevent your jet lag. Unfortunately you're still left with the awful howl of the noisy air-con unit and the guy in the seat behind you chuckling frantically at 'The Simpsons'.

A file from the Flight Safety Foundation by the noted Stanley R. Mohler states 'High noise levels on ramps and in flight can contribute to fatigue'. Blocking noise and vibration from your precious ears with an effective set of flying ear plugs helps prevent jet lag and reduce fatigue through helping you get some well-earned rest.

The irritatingwhite noise which is present in the cabins of many aeroplanes can have an agitating effect during long flights. Blocking it from the ears reduces fatigue and helps you rest. Decent flying ear plugs have to be comfortable as well as effective. When you fly routinely it is well worth thinking about getting yourself some molded ZenPlugs flying ear plugs which prevent jet lag. They are significantly more comfortable and also last longer.

2) Choose food carefully. You are much better off with a light diet. Eat little and often to prevent overeating which may make you feel more tired and will reduce the quality of your sleep. Consider taking your own food with you, particularly if you have special dietary requirements. Many airlines now allow you to opt out of the in-flight meal in return for a reduction in your ticket price. It might be better to do this and take food which you will find tasty and easy to digest.

3) Avoid caffeine and alcohol. These will both affect your sleep pattern. Caffeine will keep you awake when you should be sleeping. Alcohol, although helping you fall asleep, prevents you entering a deep sleep and so leaves you feeling tired when you wake up. You are much better off avoiding tea, coffee, alcoholic drinks and fizzy drinks which contain caffeine. Choose water or fruit juice instead.

If you follow these three simple tips you will reduce the effects of jet lag. Enjoy your trip!