What Are The Complications Of OSA?

What Are The Complications Of OSA?

What Are The Complications Of OSA?

OSA is obstructive sleep apnoea.  It is a common problem amongst obese middle aged men who drink too much alcohol.  It is caused by the wall of the nasopharynx relaxing and vibrating when the patient falls asleep.

Common complications include myocardial infarction (heart attack) and cerebrovascular accident (stroke).  This is thought to be due to a rise in blood pressure associated with the abnormal breathing pattern.

The risk factors for OSA are also similar for heart attack and stroke. Obesity, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, large collar size and increasing age.

If you or someone you know thinks they may have OSA it is important you visit your GP to address the problem.  They will help you treat the risk factors and reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke.  With out treatment your life may be shortened or reduced in quality.

Relationships can become strained. The sleepless nights from the loud snoring can lead to anxiety and depression.  Ear plugs can help others nearby get some sleep.  Molded sleeping and snoring ear plugs from ZenPlugs are spot-on.  This is because they are molded so are comfortable.  They are also effective at blocking the sound of snoring. They are also antibacterial, helping to reduce the risk of ear infection.


Modern life can be very hard work, with so much information constantly flowing towards us from all sides it can be easy to end up overloaded, overwhelmed and left unsatisfied. Rest can be hard to come by as your boss expects you to be available at all hours to answer your phone and emails. It's all-too-easy to end up replying to messages whilst lying in bed at night and when you're on the toilet in the morning.

With Twitter notifications, Facebook updates and a multitude of other social media platforms constantly alerting you of your friends and colleagues writing on your account pages it can be impossible to escape sometimes. When you do finally get a chance to sleep why gamble your chances of a good rest on whether or not it's mating season for the foxes in next door's garden?

It is definitely worth investing in a good pair of moulded earplugs so that you can pop them in whenever you need to be sure of a good night's rest. ZenPlugs are particularly useful because they are custom individually moulded to each ear in turn making them super-comfortable and brilliantly efficient when it comes to the exclusion of animal noises from the garden.

They are also antibacterial keeping germs and other nasties away from your ears and protecting you against the rigors of the infection.

Little things can really make a difference. If you are having difficulty sleeping try a milky drink or cup of chamomile tea before bed and develop a lovely bedtime routine where you can wind down with a nice warm bath so that you set yourself up for a good night's sleep. Try not to use electronic devices too late at night as the wavelength of light from the screen can stimulate your brain into thinking it's daytime and keep you awake.