Why Do My Earphones Hurt And Fall Out All The Time?

Many regular earphone users find that their earphones often hurt and fall out frequently.  This is particularly a problem whilst out jogging or in the gym.  This is because most earphone manufacturers adopt a 'one size fits all' approach. Often this ends up being 'one size fits none'.  In these cases it is often caused by manufacturers making all their earphones round. In fact, most people's ear canal openings are irregularly oval.  The situation is worsened by your MP3 player jiggling and jumping in your pocket. It tugs on the wire and pulls the phones from your ears.

So what's the solution?

Why Do My Earphones Hurt And Fall Out All The Time?

Why Do My Earphones Hurt And Fall Out All The Time?

An amazing new product looks like it might put an end to this problem.  ZenPlugs Custom Moulded Earphone Kit is a revolution in earphone design.   It helps you to form moulded earphones in just a few short minutes.  Because they are individually moulded to your ears they are far more comfortable and much less likely to fall out than other types of earphones.  They are also antibacterial so can help prevent the infections you can get from wearing earphones frequently or for a long time.

Audiophiles who spend a large amount of their time enjoying music through in-the-ear earphones are at risk of ear infections.  The earphones reduce the ventilation of the ear, resulting in the canals becoming damp and overly warm. An ideal breeding ground for bacteria and fungi which can lead to significant ear infections.  Ensure you are vigilant for the early warning signs of ear infections; itching can be a precursor.  At this stage avoid using earphones or getting water in your ears in case the situation gets worse and a serious ear infection ensues.

Stop your earphones hurting and falling out all the time with a pair of ZenPlugs Moulded Earphones.