Open Water Swimming; What Are The Dangers And Benefits?

Open Water Swimming; What Are The Dangers And Benefits?

Open Water Swimming; What Are The Dangers And Benefits?

A little skill, a lot of confidence, and a few key items of equipment are needed for the fantastic sport of open-water swimming (OWS). It's also ideal for runners, whether you're trying to lose weight or getting ready for your first triathlon. Alternatively it is great if you just want to add an interesting kind of cross training to your running.

All nature lovers should give open water swimming—often referred to as wild swimming—a try at least once. The two terms are sometimes used interchangeably. Nothing is more reviving on a hot summer day than swimming in a lake's cold, clear waters. We now know more than ever before about the health advantages of swimming in cold water. As well as this, our waterways, beaches, rivers, and reservoirs are cleaner than ever. It is exhilarating and wonderful to think of swimming without any limitations when surrounded by nature.

Open water swimming is a thrilling activity that calls for confidence, skill, and a well-fitting wetsuit. Whether you're preparing for a triathlon or starting a new pastime it is worth investing in a warm swimming wetsuit. Even in the summer it is possible to get very cold.

The UK's outdoor swimming facilities are now open and available for use as lockdown restrictions around the nation begin to ease. It's a terrific idea to begin going right now.

Don't worry if you can't persuade your buddies to like your new pastime. There are a lot of clubs and swimming groups with like-minded individuals looking for adventure. The largest wild swimming organisation in the UK, the Outdoor Swimming Society has 25,000 members and membership is free.

Keep yourself safe. Take a buddy with you who is a competent swimmer and you can look out for each other. Hypothermia can be a problem. Make sure you wear a good wetsuit and don't stay in the water too long. Sometimes you don't notice how cold you are until you get out. Ear infections can be a problem, particularly from dirty water. Make sure that you know the tides and rip currents in the area. If you are unsure, find somewhere else to swim. Take a buddy with you who is a competent swimmer and you can look out for each other.

Ear infections can be a problem, particularly if you are swimming in dirty water. Our ear plugs include Steritouch. This is a non-toxic silver-based compound which will kill all of the bacteria which could cause nasty ear infections. Because they are moulded, they stop water swelling around your ear damaging the lining, helping prevent swimmer’s ear. Without this, the natural defences of your skin are broken down and swimmer’s ear is likely.

Northern nations have a lengthy history of coldwater swimming. Here in the UK, it has just lately started to catch on. Maybe Wim Hof was involved in some way. Researchers have discovered advantages related to chronic sickness and stress reduction. As well as this there is the obvious adrenaline surge and endorphin high. Why? Your body is stressed when you go into cold water. You have greater control over your stress reaction as you increasingly repeat this. It seems that those who swim in cold water are inherently more composed and robust.

One of the wonderful things about open-water swimming is how little gear and swimwear you actually need to get started. It's also crucial to keep in mind that the temperature of the water is the primary distinction between swimming in a pool and open water. That means it's wise to spend money on a high-quality wetsuit while you're just getting started. We would also suggest a pair of our tight fitting, double action, comfortable swimmers ear ear plugs. They are fitted to your ears from a kit which significantly improves their performance and makes them great value for money. ZenPlugs stop you getting nasty infections which can keep you out of the water. Head over to 'Buy Now' to get yours.

Dr Toby Bateson, For ZenPlugs Ltd