Warning - Tinnitus Causes Sleep Loss In 40% Of Sufferers; Wear PPE Ear Plugs [Infographic]

Tinnitus causes significant sleep loss as we discovered in our research we talked about in our last post; https://zenplugs.com/blog/warning-wear-ppe-ear-plugs-tinnitus-causes-sleep-loss-in-40-of-sufferers-new-research. We have put together the infographic below of the most important points in the article. Please feel free to share and reuse it, attributing to us at www.zenplugs.com if you wouldn't mind.

Warning - Tinnitus Causes Sleep Loss In 40% Of Sufferers; Wear PPE Ear Plugs [Infographic]

Infographic Transcript

40% Of Tinnitus Sufferers Have Insomnia

Protect Yourself With PPE Ear Plugs

How much of a problem is tinnitus when it comes to insomnia? ZenPlugs surveyed 132 people using an online tool. 19% of people surveyed had tinnitus, 40% of people with tinnitus suffer from insomnia. Only 31% of those without tinnitus had insomnia. 14% of cases were caused by noise, the commonest cause of tinnitus in the survey.

Will you be QUIET!

Protect Yourself Against Dangerous Noise And Tinnitus With PPE Ear Plugs. ZenPlugs Custom Molded PPE Ear Plugs are ideal for preventing deafness and tinnitus from noise-induced hearing loss because they are molded at home from a kit, making them comfortable and effective. They are also antibacterial and cost far less than foam plugs in the long run.

Contact: Toby Bateson, www.zenplugs.com

Original article at www.zenplugs.com/blog


It is important to invest in the best PPE ear plugs you can find if you are regularly exposed to very loud noises. This will protect you against noise-induced hearing loss. The following people are at high risk of deafness if they don't use the right hearing protection;

  • Factory Workers
  • Shipyard Workers
  • Oil rigs
  • Police
  • Air-force
  • Army
  • Fire-fighters
  • Navy
  • Military use

These groups are all at risk of deafness from excessive sound volume. Sound is energy transmitted through the air to your ears. This energy has the ability to cause irreversible damage to your hearing.

Many of us will have experienced mild temporary hearing loss and tinnitus after going to a loud club or party. This is the first sign of noise-induced hearing loss. If you expose yourself to excessive noise levels repeatedly or for long episodes you are at risk of the problem becoming permanent. This is a very important cause of hearing loss because it is entirely preventable through the use of the best hearing protection you can find.

ZenPlugs are ideal because they are a joy to wear due to their high comfort level and extreme ability to block sound. They are ideal for use in noisy work environments. This is because they block sound, are brightly coloured and can be connected using the supplied cord to help stop you losing them. The plugs are also incredibly easy to make; our process is unique and has a patent pending.