How To Use Ear Buds For Excessive Ear Wax

How To Use Ear Buds For Excessive Ear Wax

How To Use Ear Buds For Excessive Ear Wax

Excessive ear wax is often a problem for many people.  Unfortunately ear buds are often used incorrectly. People insert them deep into the ear canal which pushes wax, dead skin and debris towards the ear drum. Here it impacts, causing tinnitus and hearing loss.

Impacted wax needs to be softened with ear drops such as warm olive oil. Otherwise proprietary drops from the chemist can be used before it is removed by suctioning.  Syringing is no longer recommended due to the possibility of permanent tinnitus.

The ear will self-clean and ear buds should only be used for removing wax which is visible around the opening of the canal.  The squamous epithelial cells lining the ear canal are formed in the very centre of the drum and move outwards. It travels to the outside, carrying the overlying wax and any trapped dust and debris with it.  The wax can then easily be removed from the outside using an ear bud or flannel.  Because of this mechanism it is not necessary to push ear buds down the canal to get the wax out.

Fitted ear plugs are the best type for people with mild ear conditions. They are wipe clean, antibacterial and are comfortable in sore ears. If you suffer from excessive wax they won't clog, unlike foam plugs which can deteriorate rapidly in this situation.

ZenPlugs Custom Ear Plugs are super-comfortable, antibacterial and last for years.  Their USP is that they are the only molded ear plugs in the world which can be remolded as many times as you like.  This means you can refit the plugs if you aren't happy with the fit the first time. Because they are really effective at blocking sound as well as water from the ears they can prevent swimmer's ear as well as sleepless nights. ZenPlugs can also be connected on a cord so you don't lose them. Our new ZenPods Moulded Earphones are out soon; find out more here.