Is Your Company Safe From Data Breaches? [Infographic]

If your business stores sensitive or confidential information, data security should be top of mind. Law firms, contractors, or business analysts who are most at risk tend to invest less in security. Hackers can easily breach data — making companies vulnerable to cybersecurity threats, potential lawsuits, and ultimately client churn.  

Is Your Company Safe From Data Breaches? [Infographic]

Is Your Company Safe From Data Breaches? [Infographic]

According to the 2019 ABA survey report, 29% of law firms report experiencing a security breach and 19% were unsure what it was. Additionally, more than 66% of all breaches are linked to external vendors. 

With the rise in cyberattacks and security breaches, take a deep dive into how your business stores sensitive data. Protect your company and client information by using prevention methods and security audit processes.  

Below are a few actionable tips you can implement to prevent data breaches:  

  • Require secure passwords: Require password criteria with numbers, letters, or special characters. Consider a software like LastPass that safely stores passwords.  

  • Encrypt confidential data: Use SSL or TLS protocols or enable full disk encryption for data protection.  

  • Protect data remotely: Implement remote data wiping to allow admins to erase what’s needed. 

  • Maintain an audit trail of data access: Use a UEBA tool to track any irregular behavior among users. 

  • Rework your policies: Stay safe by implementing Bring Your Own Device (BOYD) or Company-Issued Personal Enabled (COPE). 

  • Train employees on cybersecurity: Provide training on common threats to look for such as phishing, email security, and more.

For more on data security, read through the infographic by Embroker on the state of data breaches, hacker tactics, and ways to prevent data security breaches. 
