Simple Steps to Save Energy

Simple Steps to Save Energy

Simple Steps to Save Energy

Saving energy might seem a little complicated when you have a house full of appliances and gadgets, but there are some secrets to help you save money at the end of the month. By including some energy-saving habits into your routine you can also help the environment by reducing air and water pollution. 

Here are some simple home energy-saving tips:

1) Keep Your Fridge Stocked

Did you know your fridge can be overworked and waste energy if it's not fully stocked? Dodge that by keeping your fridge stocked so it won't take unnecessary energy to cool it. 

2)  Defrost Your Freezer

A lot of us might forget to defrost the freezer often, so making sure to do it when ice starts building up can help you save energy since the temperature sensors can be blocked and it starts to work harder to cool it. 

3) Use Dishwasher

Opting to use the dishwasher and letting the dishes air dry it's a good way to also save on energy. Washing the dishes with hot water can not only waste energy, but also water, and many dishwashers nowadays are energy efficient. 

4) Unplug Devices Overnight

A lot of us are used to putting all our gadgets to charge while we sleep. But it is better to charge it before bed and unplug it so you won't waste energy charging them all night since they only require a couple of hours to charge. 

5) Install Low Flow Showerhead

If you enjoy taking hot showers, consider installing a low-flow shower head. They require less heat and water to operate, saving you money at the end of the month. 

Interested in learning more about how you can save energy at home? Check out HomeAdvisor’s infographic below.

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Home Energy-Saving Tips