Six Ways to Avoid Stress with Self-Therapy 

Six Ways to Avoid Stress with Self-Therapy 

With the many responsibilities of work and life piling up on our plates, it can be very difficult to stay calm and find our zen. We all experience times in our lives when we don’t know how much more stress we can take, but luckily there are ways to limit pressures and pressing forces. Whether you need a new way to collect yourself at work or you are trying to minimize your anxiety, self-therapy will help you stay mindful and focused. 

Self-therapy uses therapeutic methods so that you can better manage your mental health at home. This practice has a variety of ideologies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness techniques, and psychotherapy. If you are looking to reset and destress, there are tons of ways in which you can integrate self-therapy into your everyday life. Here is a list of holistic self-therapy tips that can help you achieve your wellness goals and stay grounded.

  1. Create To-do Lists

Keeping a list of your responsibilities is a great way to internally destress. A list of your accomplished tasks from weeks prior will help you to feel confident in taking up oncoming projects for work or scheduling meetings. Separate upcoming priorities into a task list with important assignments at the top of your list. This will make you feel organized and allow you to access information quickly. 

2. Positive Problem Solving

When faced with a difficult situation or a problem that requires a thorough solution, focus on the solution. It can be easy to dwell on a problem and wonder how you could have reacted differently. However, this is not healthy for your mind and can lead to anxiety. Keep yourself in check by concentrating on the solution that you found. 

3. Try Meditation

If you have never meditated before, give this calming practice a try. Guided meditation is an easy and effective way to distract yourself from stressors. Meditating just once a day will not only improve your mindfulness but can also help you tackle stressful interactions with a collected demeanor. 

4. Prioritize Sleep

We all know how important it is to get the proper amount of sleep. Adopting a sleep schedule will help you to track the hours you sleep each night. If you have had trouble sleeping, consider investing in Sleeping ZenPlugs or a white noise machine to mask distractions. This will allow you to get better sleep and feel well-rested. 

5. Avoid Caffeine

Whether one cup of coffee gives you jitters or you drink more than two cups a day, caffeine can negatively affect your stress levels. Caffeine can increase your body’s level of cortisol, which is a stress hormone. Limiting your consumption of caffeine will allow you to feel sleepy and relaxed by nighttime. If you are an avid coffee drinker, try cutting back by a few cups to start.

6. Keep a Stress Journal

Documenting the daily things and tasks that make you stressed is a great way to take control of your anxieties. Venting about your day in a stress journal will let you blow off some steam and keep your thoughts private. This can be especially helpful if you are venting about a new apartment tenant, family member, or someone who has recently been getting on your nerves in close quarters. This can be a therapeutic activity and help you identify patterns in your life that may be adding to your stress.

Taking care of yourself and practicing self-therapy can transform your stress levels and anxiety. If you are looking to take the first step, follow these everyday tips. Self-therapy and self-care will quickly increase your wellness and mindfulness.  

Everything you need to know about self-therapy